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Customer Experience Technology Trends 2023

Tech leaders agree – customer service is the key to unlocking growth. But so far, many…

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4 min read

Building a customer-centric service model for IT services and tech firms

When done right, technology can help companies create great customer experiences. This is why 82% of…

4 min read

How can technology help provide better customer care?

Customer care is a key part of any business, whatever ‘customer’ means to you. And increasingly…

6 min read

How to invest in the right CX technology for the future of your business

Achieving business success has always been a balancing act. On one hand, it’s about understanding how…

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

3 min read

Using technology to deliver best-in class service when it counts

The effects of COVID-19 for customer support teams have been far reaching. For service agents in…

1 min read

Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: IT Service Management Tools

Your IT team deserves to work with the most effective tools and platforms when it comes…

7 min read

Building real relationships through technology

BombBomb uses video—and Zendesk Support, Guide, and Chat—to rekindle a sense of human connection with its customers

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