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Problem management software is here to stay

Manage recurring complaints and workflows in one simple solution

Do you have a problem with managing the same customer complaint over and over again? Do you have several people working on the same problem, but not sure it has been resolved successfully with the customer?

Zendesk problem management software provides a solution for your service desk that will change how your customer's relate to you as an organization. Customers identify with a great experience and when their problems are monitored and solved efficiently, they are happy campers.

The inside scoop on problem management software

If customers, in the process of purchasing products, have trouble on your website getting their credit card to process, they report the incident to your service desk promptly. As a support agent of incident management, you treat the ticket as an incident report. Instead of handling each ticket individually, you connect the incidents to a "problem" ticket and solve the problem for all your customers at the same time. The process of solving problems just became much easier.

Did you know?

Problem management software, with its ITIL application management function, integrates people, processes, and technology, allowing for systematic tracking and problem management. This integration solution with its knowledge base, identifies the problem and ensures that the root cause of each customer's request is quickly resolved. Again, happy customers repeat business with companies who make them happy.

Make it easy

Help your service desk respond efficiently to customer problems by:

  • Managing problem and incident tickets promptly and creating resolved solutions for your customers

  • Problem Management Software ensuring customer satisfaction with your organization

  • IT Service Management (ITSM) provides you with a plan to design, deliver, and control IT services offered to customers

Extend your reach

Your customers are your biggest asset and resource. Treat them to a great experience and they will repeat their business over and over!

See which Zendesk plan works best for you.