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How to track consumer behaviour (and why you should)

Track consumer behavior and leverage that data to create better, more personalized customer experiences.

By David Galic, Contributing Writer

Last updated April 27, 2022

consumer behavior

There’s no getting around it: The success of a business depends on how well team members understand consumer behaviour.

To some extent, this has always been true for companies. But deciphering how consumers interact with your business is especially important in 2022, as conversations take place on so many different channels.

Consider the customer journey of a modern shopper who discovers a business through a social media ad:

The promotion takes her to the company’s online store.

A pop-up appears five minutes into browsing, offering a discount if the shopper enters her email, which she does.

One week later, the business emails her to remind her about the products she viewed and put in her cart.

She returns to the store and purchases the items.

The company sends her text messages to update her on the status of her order.

That journey involved four different channels—and it concerned only a single customer.

With so many ways for a buyer to interact with a brand, businesses can’t assume consumer behaviour is consistent across their audience. They have to keep tabs on all the ways shoppers connect with their company. From that behavioural data, brands can learn how to predict consumer behaviour and offer the curated customer experiences their audience craves.

What is consumer behaviour?

Consumer behaviour refers to how buyers act across the customer journey, from researching a product to making a purchase. These actions help companies determine how a customer finds their product or service and why they buy it.

Why is consumer behaviour important?

According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2022, over 90 percent of customers are likely to spend more money with companies that offer streamlined, personalised experiences.

Consumer research enables brands to offer those customised experiences. By tracking customers’ actions, you can understand what attracts buyers, what motivates them to make a purchase, and how they use your product or service. Once you know this information, you can enjoy the following benefits:

Targeted marketing

Targeted marketing refers to campaigns curated for specific groups or individuals. To create these promotions, companies almost always need consumer behavioural data. Pay attention to how consumers react to your current campaigns, and you’ll know how to adjust your messaging and visuals in your future marketing efforts.

Say you’re a marketer for a vacation booking site. You might notice that middle-aged women living on the West Coast are the segment with the highest clicks on your promotional email blast about accommodations in Hawaii. Based on that information, you can target this customer group with your next ad about Hawaii hotels.

Targeted marketing pays off. A recent study revealed that 70 percent of companies that use advanced personalisation earn a 200-percent return on interest (or more) from it.

A/B testing helps marketing teams understand consumer behaviour on a more granular level. By adjusting one campaign factor—whether that’s the call-to-action button color or the header image on a landing page—marketers can determine what drives engagement from specific segments. A study by Litmus shows that businesses that use A/B testing in their email marketing efforts see a return on investment of 42:1.

Innovative products

Customer feedback can provide important insights into the quality of your products. But even consumer input has limitations. People might not be completely forthright or share detailed responses. Fill in any potential feedback gaps by also using behavioural data as a foundation for new product development and product innovation.

Consider the vacation booking site example again. Say the product team notices that many people leave the company’s site within two minutes of accessing it on a mobile device. They do a little more digging and discover the site slows down significantly on mobile. To fix the situation, the product team doesn’t only make the site design more responsive—they also build an app where vacationers can easily browse and book trips in just a few clicks.

Support teams can also share details about their customer interactions with the product team to drive innovation. Say 50 customers call in to request a certain feature. Support agents can pass that input along to the product team so they can add it to their product roadmap.

Superior support

Every support interaction provides valuable behavioural data you can use to better serve customers. Daily interactions show the channels your audience prefers to use, so you know which platforms to prioritise.

Beyond channels, monitoring how customers react to different support scenarios will reveal areas of improvement. What resolutions lead to five-star customer satisfaction ratings, and what interactions lead to disgruntled customers? These patterns can help reps figure out how to create more positive support experiences.

By tracking consumer data, you can also identify the most common issues and frequently asked questions. You can then add that information to your help center or knowledge base, making life easier for both your agents and your customers.

Say a significant number of consumers share the same complaint with the support team. An agent can write an article about how to resolve the issue and publish it on the knowledge base, so customers don’t have to contact the support team. This leads to a faster resolution and reduces the number of support tickets your agents need to handle.

Many customers prefer to help themselves using self-service resources, too. According to our CX Trends Report, 70 percent of consumers expect a company to have a self-service portal or content available to them.

What drives consumer behaviour?

Your company’s brand messaging and approach can certainly impact customer behaviour. But there are many other factors that influence consumers’ actions that are completely out of your control.


Some of the most common personal factors that shape consumer decisions and behaviours include demographics, lifestyle, and life stage.

Demographics include variables such as age, gender, income level, education, and marital status. To see how demographics shape buying decisions, consider how some generations shop online more than others. According to Statista, millennials between the ages of 25 and 34 are the largest group of digital buyers and account for 20 percent of America’s online buyer audience.

A person’s lifestyle refers to the activities they enjoy—traveling, camping, reading, and so on. Consumers appear to respond best to communication related to something they like. A recent Mailchimp study showed that emails about hobbies generated the highest click rate at 5 percent—nearly double the average for all industries (2.6 percent). Hook your audience by appealing to their lifestyle, and you’re on your way to driving them toward a purchase.

Stages of life—such as going to college, getting married, buying a house, and starting a family—also affect consumer behaviour. For example, according to this study on the impact of life stages on consumer buying behaviour, there’s a significant difference in how much money single people and married people with children spend on hobbies.


The most influential social factors include a person’s social class, culture, and family and friends.

Someone’s social class often boils down to their socioeconomic status. Consumers in the same class often have similar education levels, purchasing power, and ideas about quality and taste, which leads to similar purchasing decisions.

Culture is a bit harder to pinpoint, as it can be defined by a number of factors, such as geography or religion. But like social class, it plays a major role in shaping consumer behaviour. For instance, a study by Lending Tree found that shoppers living in metropolitan states make the most online purchases, while those living in rural states shop online the least.

Along with social norms, people’s friends and family may push them toward certain purchases. According to a Kantar Media study, 93 percent of consumers go to friends and family for trusted information about brands and services.

Consumer psychology

Psychological factors and personal convictions can also impact how consumers spend their money. For example, the belief that “almond milk is healthy” pushes many people to buy the product, even if they prefer the taste of whole milk. According to the EY Future Consumer Index, 57 percent of consumers want to make healthier product choices in the long term.

How to collect consumer behaviour data

When companies understand consumer behaviour, they can make more customer-focused business decisions to enhance the customer experience. This goal is worth the effort—73 percent of business leaders report a direct link between their CX and company performance. But how do you collect that user data and analyse it to form insights?

Use consumer behaviour analysis to enhance customer experiences

When you have the right data, your business can implement customer-centric decision-making to refine your CX. Effectively tracking consumer behaviours and acting on those insights can help you personalise customer experiences and ultimately increase customer loyalty, satisfaction, and retention.

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