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With better conversations and smoother pipelines, you can spend more time closing deals and less time juggling data.

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8 min read

Value chain analysis how-to: Definition, examples and guide

Value chain analysis (VCA) allows you to increase your company’s profit margin through a deep-level understanding of its inner workings.

10 min read

What is the buyer’s journey? Definition, stages, and examples

Gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s path to purchase so you can improve your sales and marketing efforts.

10 min read

How to craft a foolproof go-to-market strategy (+ examples)

With a go-to-market strategy, you can turn your product concepts into tangible goods without chaos or confusion.

10 min read

Keep companies competitive with a data-driven sales approach

If you’re not tracking sales analytics, you are falling behind. Learn why sales analytics are crucial and how a CRM can change your trajectory.

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

19 min read

Sales prospecting 101: A beginner’s guide

A strong sales prospecting strategy is key to growing your audience and your bottom line.

9 min read

How to use sales psychology to increase lead conversion rates

Sales is a mind game. You can’t expect to convert a lead into a customer if…

9 min read

What is sales velocity? Meaning, formula, and report

Understanding sales velocity enables your company to redefine its sales pipeline and process to increase lead conversion and revenue.

11 min read

Sales tactics that work: Tactical selling simplified

Blow past your quotas with sales tactics that work to build trusting relationships.

7 min read

How to lead a digital transformation

With both customers and employees embracing the digital economy, more and more businesses are pursuing digital transformations.

10 min read

What is social selling? Definition, index and examples

Build brand credibility and customer relationships online through social selling.

12 min read

Aligning sales and customer service: how and why

Drive profits and transform your brand by breaking the silos between your sales and support teams. It’s easy, and it’s essential.

9 min read

6 proven sales techniques that’ll help you turn more leads into customers

Close more deals with these tried-and-tested tactics that experienced salespeople use day in, day out.

5 min read

Using Promotions To Drive Sales

Sales promotions are a great way to boost business for your company in the short term,…

5 min read

The Benefits of Sales Training

When you invest in sales training courses, you can expect to see a tangible benefit. From…

5 min read

How to develop an HR team that hires the best sales reps

Great sales reps can be the most important people in your business. The very best have…

6 min read

How to create a compelling sales value proposition

Your sales value proposition is one of the most important tools in your arsenal when it…

18 min read

Cold calling scripts: 14 examples, templates, and tips

Cold calling scripts can help you get more leads and reach sales goals. Get tips on how to write effective scripts, and start crafting your own with our free templates that actually work.

3 min read

How can sales management tools benefit your customers? 

Sales management software is a great way to keep all of your customer data and customer…

11 min read

5 sales commission structures: pros, cons and how to choose the right one

Pick the right commission structure to keep sales agents motivated and improve your bottom line.

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