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1 min read

Questions to ask when staffing chat

Many factors need to be considered when determining how to staff your chat support channel.

3 min read

How a great customer experience comes from chat support

Live chat alone can't define your customers’ experience - how they navigate the site, how they engage with support, and where they are on the customer journey all come into play

5 min read

Slack kills at onboarding customers: Here’s how

Slack—the team communication tool that is taking over the world—has become ubiquitous and obvious.

3 min read

See your business goals through by offering live chat

It’s crucial that your live chat goals align with your business objectives.

Women in Leadership

At Zendesk, we care about creating an inclusive environment for all leaders, in particular women leaders, so that we can celebrate achievements, provide networking opportunities and collaboration to help support women in CX and beyond.

1 min read

Chatbots and the future of real-time communication

Companies are using chatbots to scale more and more.

3 min read

Work smarter: live chat best practices

As with any communication channel, there’s a right way and a less effective way to offer live chat to your customers

3 min read

Why firsthand product experience is the best teacher

Meet Peachy Garcia, who currently holds the record for most chats served here at Zendesk.

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