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Fresh additions to the App Marketplace

By Leah Kidd

Last updated May 4, 2022

Get excited! With September comes the start of fall, which means a range of new app integrations. Track feedback, trends, and growth more efficiently with apps like Ybug, DirectCall, and ScopeAI, just to name a few.


Meetingbird allows you to schedule meetings and manage your calendar right from within Zendesk Support. Its intuitive design and deep integrations with Google Calendar, Office 365, Zoom, and Zapier make scheduling a snap. With Meetingbird’s scheduling links, agents can cut down on back and forth emailing and schedule support calls and demos with customers faster. Potential meeting times can even be inserted directly into ticket replies, so customers can book meetings with a single click. And with Meetingbird’s full featured calendar, support agents can manage their schedules and create events right from their Zendesk Support account.


Ybug is a visual feedback and bug tracking tool for your website. Collect visual feedback, suggestions and bug reports from your team or clients as tickets for your Zendesk Support team. Ybug gives you information you need to fix the bug, including things like a visual snapshot of the page, browser environment info and Javascript console output so that your agents have all the information they need to quickly identify the issue being reported.


Octoboard is an easy-to-use tool for building live business performance dashboards to display on screens around your office and on desktop monitors. Octoboard displays your key business data in easy-to-understand reports that can be generated automatically and shared with your Support and DevOps team. Octoboard will collect data and will keep updating metrics for your Zendesk Support account and visualises current customer satisfaction score, ticket and call volumes, response times and other metrics.

Additional apps added in September:

BotXO Chatbot Agent is a multilingual AI powered chatbot that can help reduce your teams workload by answering customers commonly asked questions through chat. If the bot cannot answer your customers question, the bot will automatically hand over the conversation to a human agent seamlessly so your customers get the answers they need.

SwiftMsg helps you deal with repetitive requests in Zendesk Support by analysing your incoming requests and finds the best template for your agents’ responses. SwiftMsg uses powerful deep neural networks to match all possible replies and picks the best answer for you agents to provide to your customers.

Agatha Answers creates an AI assistant called Agatha who will intervene whenever your support agents receive inquiries from customers. Agatha will index all your Zendesk knowledge base content, tickets and any other data source and provide answers as a sidebar app, along with relevant metadata such as articles, existing tickets, macros, etc that may be applicable to the question on hand.

R2 is a customised Artificially Intelligent personal assistant or customer service agent that can handle all support requests from customers and notifies staff when it encounters any questions it can’t handle. R2 is trained to better handle tickets as it matures.

ScopeAI use natural language-processing to automatically tag your customer conversations. Using the ScopeAI dashboard, your team can discover trending topics, track trends over time and gain unique insights to improve your customer experience.

Instagramer connects your Zendesk Support to Instagram. Answer your clients’ Instagram direct messages from Zendesk with full support for video and images for incoming messages. Link to user’s Instagram profiles in Zendesk and connect multiple Instagram accounts to a single Zendesk account. Group chats and threaded conversations are supported as well.

OKer helps you integrate your Zendesk Support with the Russian social network, Odnoklassniki ( Receive and reply to messages sent to your OK groups directly as Support tickets in Zendesk. Receive photo, video and other files in the tickets so you have all the info you need in one place to support your customers on OK.

DirectCall is a provider of telephony services for the Brazil market. Integrate your DirectCall telephony system with Zendesk to provide the screen popping of tickets when a call is handled through DirectCall, record calls, send SMS, track activity reports and more.

Visit the Zendesk Apps Marketplace to browse all our apps and integrations

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